Monday, November 30, 2009

L O V E..
Yourself ♥

Friday, November 27, 2009

XXXX Black Friday XXXX

This is exactly the way how i pictured everything was gonna turn out..and it happened the exact same way.. Thanksgiving would be greatt!!! and ohh yes it was the BOMB.. and then the next day..
"Black Friday" .. i was gonna be sitting home doing NOTHING.. BORED..and mad as hell because im not going SHOPPING!!but heyyy it happens every year.. soo why didnt i just prepare myself for this year? badd idea right? talk about upset.. the worst thing is that im a SHOPAHOLIC.. soo can you imagine the sales.. shoes.. clothing.. and accessories that im missing out on for LESS??
this will soo be the last year this is gonna happen..
working for your own money is just one of the best things huh?? YUP!
i think i've explained myself quite well.

Thursday, November 26, 2009

Happy Thanksgiving

A time to give thanks to God for all that he has done, Time to share with family and friends to feast and enjoy their company..share laughter, and memories but not forgeting
that we should give thanks daily.

Love: Kei♥

Wednesday, November 25, 2009

I was on the teenvogue website today and saw this creative DIY
how chic and FUN!

My Summer Polyvore Outfits

Here are some of my favorite Polyvore Outfits which i created over the summer..
I thought i should share...

The Fashion Merchandiser

The hardworking Fashionista!

YSL at the office

All Branded UP!

Lets keep it cool and simplee in Marc accesories!

Shopping Day!

Friday, November 20, 2009


Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Ski Bunny Pink Pave Heart Studded Earrings

Yellow Studded Flower w/ Black Dots

Ski Bunny Precious Bow Studs

I love Betsy J. she just has this creative taste about her..and adds so much FUNK into whatever she designs..soo since i have a very bad and horrible habit of wearing one pair of earrings FOREVER since i only like studs.. i think owning a pair of at least two of these babies would do me soo good. I just love them all.. and there not even expensive!!
can you say another gift on my birthday list :]

Yummy Ear Candies All Sold at:

Monday, November 16, 2009

36 days
till.. I leave the USA

Sunday, November 15, 2009

*its late.. 1:12 to be exact
*3rd post for the night
*3rd pd class 9:02 in the AM
*hair to curl before bed
*nails to polish over (maybe) before bed
*prayers to be said before bed
*addicted to bloggin
*cute outfit for tommorow
*someone fell asleep on me like an hour ago after 1 text

i gotta CRUSH on YOUU!

It would be soo nice if i had one of these babies to go on my wrist..

MARC by MARC JACOBS "Miss Marc Watch"
Sold at:

18.. in 4..

it just seems like everyone's birthday is around this time.. on facebook there were 4 of my friends with the same b-day today..this just makes me think about my birthday thats in about 4 months... cant waittttt! hittin that
WOW.. this year is going by soo quickk!

Friday, November 13, 2009

Blehh Much?

Feeling rather not in the mood right about now.. my day went.. well i must say it was okay.. Today was celebrity day at my school.. and yes I refused to not come as Rhianna although I didn't get to pull off the outfit that i wanted to in my last post since it didn't come, but when did it come??? TODAY!! that's just even WORSER(not a word but I'll still say it) than it saying that it was going to come on the 14th which is tomorrow just the worst...when today was the theme day at my school. (total run on sentence).
When i walked up the steps to the mailbox at my front door and saw the mail plus a white F21 package I couldn't even get mad.. i just thought in my head.. why.. why?? But anyway I tried another look and people said i pulled it off.. but.. i still wasn't too confident. I must say it was nice and all but I guess since I made it from home and I had the mind set of another outfit being mocked my attitude just changed up. For some reason I just wasn't feeling it today.. the whole theme day thing.. I'm thinking that its because of the outfit..but then again i don't think so!
But you know.. i do have about 7 hours left until this day is over so why not make the best of it and have a little fun! :]

Wednesday, November 11, 2009

oh NO!

Soo.. Friday is celebrity look alike day at my school.. and I planned on doing Rihanna. My outfit wasn't gonna be an outfit that she wore in a video or at an award show but i was going to do a mimic of a candid photo from 2008. The outfit was HOT and since i am rocking the same hairstyle that she had at the time..(the mushroom/bob) i figured I would pull it offf niceee. I ordered the outfit from F21 last Wednesday hoping it was gonna come today or tomorrow..because usually every time i order from there my stuff would come like in 4 to 5 days... When i got home from dance I didn't see my stuff.. so i got on the computer and tracked down my order.. you really want to know the day this thing is suppose to reach my door?? the 14th!!!!!

what am i gonna do??? i think i just might cancel for celebrity look alike!

can someone say PISSED OFFFFF!


Tuesday, November 10, 2009


Painted PURPLE..

About 2 blog posts ago.. i wrote about.. the "TREND ALERT"i saw in PEOPLE magazine on purple nails..I didn't get them manicured the next day..neither done by the professionals.. but they came out just as nice at home!

Here are some pics!

Sunday, November 8, 2009


soo yes i am kinda faithful with my blog now.. every other day not bad huh?

Its 11:26PM and i have some more questions to answer for social studies homework.. some of my major homework to complete.. and i have to study for 3 test that i have tomorrow..and i insist on getting no lower than 90's on all! I can do it i know i can! Mind you i am back and forth on the facebook website..daydreaming..and looking at clothing on line.. when would i end?? Thank God I took a nap though.. because i would be knocked out at the computer desk drooling.. i think I'll go now because I'm feeling a little bit drowsy.. so before i fall sleep at the desk im going to complete my work now.. so i would have at least 45 mins to go over my study sheets..

1. Why do i always cram on a Sunday night?

2. Why am i blogging about this when I should be completing my work?

Stay tuned for anwers in next post!!


Friday, November 6, 2009

Paint Me Purple.. NOW!

Soo.. I was reading People Magazine.. and they have "Trend Alerts" so one of this month's trend alert was Purple Nailpolish.. yess I said Nailpolish!

I am a nailpolish FEIN.. soo tommorow I am heading to the nearest nail salon and im going to have them paint my nails in PURPLE.. can't waitt!!